Inglorious Basterds
Curse Count
The top three curse counts used in Inglourious Basterds are fuck, damn, and ass.
Slur Count
The top three slurs used in Inglourious Basterds are jew, basterd, and sonsabitches.
Men vs Women Curses
Men vs Women Slurs
There are 64 male characters and 13 female characters in the Inglourious Basterds screenplay. Male characters speak 77.0% and female characters speak 22.2%. There are 56 dialogues that contain curse words or slurs that are spoken by male characters and there are 14 dialogues that contain curse words or slurs that are spoken by female characters. The ratio of curse and slurs spoken by female characters to dialogues spoken by female characters is 0.052:1. The ratio of curse and slurs spoken by male characters to dialogues spoken by male characters is 0.063:1. In comparison to female characters, male characters only use 0.09. more curse words and slurs per dialogue. We hypothesized that male characters would use more curses and slurs in male characters' dialogues, however, it was not by a significant amount in the case of Inglourious Basterds.
Sex vs Sex Curses
Sex vs Sex Slurs
Overall, male characters used more curse words and slurs than their female counterparts. One surprising factor is that male characters and female characters, regardless if which one is the speaker or the hearer, use the same amount of curses and slurs in those interactions. It seems that our hypothesis that male characters would use significantly less curse words and slur words when interacting with female characters is confirmed by the data. However, female characters used the same or equal amount of curse words and slurs when interacting with male characters which goes against our hypothesis that female characters would use significantly less curse words and slurs.